Moore County Alcoholics Anonymous
Moore County has a thriving AA community with over 40 meetings per week. Meetings begin at 7:30 am and continue into the evening. There is a time slot to accommodate everyone.
Click the PRINT SCHEDULE button or scan the QR code to print a PDF meeting schedule.

Serving: Aberdeen, Cameron, Carthage, FoxFire, Pinebluff, Pinehurst, Robbins, Southern Pines, Taylortown, Vass and Whispering Pines.
Featured Speakers
The Sandhills Intergroup records speaker meetings for your enjoyment and inspiration. Please email us if you have a speaker you would like us to record.
Click here to view our You Tube Channel that we share with District 52 (Hoke, Lee, Richmond & Scotland Counties). The You Tube Channel includes a searchable list of archived speakers.
Kristine, H
Contact Us
Phone: (910) 420-0575
Do you have comments or questions concerning Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in the Moore County area of North Carolina? Fill out the form to contact us. OR call our answering service at (910) 420-0575. You will receive a reply as soon as possible.